Sunday, February 20, 2011


Happy Sunday!

P.S. Did you see the most recent
installment of Creative Kickstart?

(image source)


  1. Oh my goodness, such the story of my life right now. I just read your creative kick start. such great tips. I am currently in grad school and working on multiple project including school work, my thesis and a job search..I graduate in May. Exercise/blogging and shopping well those are my outlets and well blogging and shopping are all on the back burner as of right now. Anyways your post, totally pin point the way my mind works to a T!!! I am also the type that when I work on something I zero in and become consumed with no break.
    I am printing your tips out right now and going to put them to good use. I am also going to start taking more fun breaks:)

  2. I just came upon your blog and I am officially in loooove!!! Just subscribed through Google Reader, cant wait to read it everyday. :-)

  3. Thanks everyone! I just had to post this image when I came across it late the other night. Madeleine, I'm so glad the tips were useful for you. I printed them out as well because I have to remind myself all the time! Breaks are so important - I've found that very rarely does overworking myself to finish something result in a positive outcome. Sometimes I have to say "this is your life, and you do what you do because you enjoy doing it, so stop for a while if you're not enjoying it!" Revisiting a creative project later that is becoming too pressured is such a better way to manage time than forcing it because you want to get it done.



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