Monday, August 19, 2013


INSPIRE ME // Bubby and Bean

It occurred to me the other day that I hadn't done an 'Inspire Me' post since March. Seeing as Monday mornings tend to be in desperate need of extra inspiration, I figured that right now is officially the perfect time to break this unintentional hiatus. The 'Inspire Me' series showcases images that I've found to be particularly moving lately, along with some positive verbs to make the images feel a little more complete.  All sources can be found here, via my handy dandy 'inspiring images' board on Pinterest.

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  1. Yay! I love these inspiring posts :)
    I love the cheerful flowers and those amazing trees! Hope you and the little bean are doing great :)

  2. I always need a kick in the pants on a Monday, too. Isn't it funny how some of your regular features get away from you? I haven't done an outfit post since probably... April? My bad.

  3. I've been missing the Inspire Me series. Great day to bring it back! I love the ones for fly, dance, and play! Awesome. Thanks!

  4. Lovely choices! My favorite is the 'fly' picture- breathtaking!

    Simply Akshara

  5. I love a good collection of inspiring graphics and photos!

  6. I am for sure in need of inspiration today and these images are doing the trick! I love the prayer flags. =)

  7. The buffalo are so beautiful! We got to see some up close on a trip to South Dakota back in ' amazing!

  8. So inspiring! That picture above "Explore" is like a breath of fresh air, mmmm!

  9. Beautiful images to start the week. deeply inspiring xx :) have a good week

  10. of nature and magical dreams! i didn't realize it had been since march. time does fly.


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