Thursday, June 6, 2019

Some Thoughts on Time

Coloring Outside the Lines // Family Boho Shoes

I recently came across these photos from two summers ago and was so emotionally moved by them (it doesn't take much with me, but still) that I felt compelled to share. Talking about how quickly time passes when you're watching little ones grow is the ultimate parent cliche, but guys, it's freaking true. I'm baffled by how different E and E look now, just two years later. And when I think about how much their personalities have evolved, I genuinely feel a sense of overwhelm; not in a bad way, but in a way that sort of takes my breath away. For real.

My daughter is already at an age (5 going on some unrecognizable level of preteen) where she's so independent and busy that precious time with her is beginning to feel scarce, and even my 3 year old son, normally so clingy and emotionally connected to me, is starting to prefer friend play time over hanging with his parents. This is why I'm really making an effort to spend as much quality time as possible with them this summer, even if it's not as much time as I wish it could be. We're heading to a mini lake getaway as a family later today and I'm going to savor every second of it, mark my words.

For those of you with kids, does it seem like each year speeds up? Is there ever a point where it doesn't feel like sand slipping through your finger tips? How do you savor the quality moments?



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